Monday 12 December 2011

Yellow Print Thinking Change Approach

Yellow Print Thinking is a Meta – theoretical concept, which describes a form of change. Here the colour yellow symbolizes power. As we see this approach talks about power, it also talk about organizations or people in the organizations who get into power struggle to achieve their desired goals. This approach assumes that people in any organization have diverse interests and goal and they are willing to form a coalition only if their personal goals are look after. Here it is believed that to bring about the necessary change one needs attain the powers behind it. To do so one can use techniques like coalition, lobbying, negotiation or resolving conflicts.
This approach can best be described by an example of Indian politics. In 2004 general elections when none 
on the national parties had the desired number of seats. Indian National congress (INC) along with other twelve parties formed United Progressive Alliance (UPA), to form a coalition government.