Wednesday 18 January 2012


And you may not notice this until your credit card statement shows a $97 charge from "Unlimited" or something similar. (Yes it happened to me). So word to the wise - there is no such thing as a "free" CD, beware the sentence on the page about monthly charges, and really, do not ever buy from an offer like this because there is always a catch. Personally I think there oughta be a law against this deceptive practice, but until then, buyer beware.

Comments are easily overlooked but upon review you can easily discover 'gold' in what readers have left! Not only can comments let you know what people enjoy the most but they can also offer new ideas as well! Folks tend to speak out in terms of their suggestions or even requests for more information on a particular subject! It is up to you to listen since this can tell you what direction to take with your blog posting to keep the reader satisfied!

You are an honest, honorable person who is fascinated by the idea of Internet marketing and you want to hold on to your values while succeeding in your online business. It’s great to be your own boss in many ways, but it can also be a serious challenge. You want to be a sales person with integrity. In fact, integrity is everything in the world of sales (both online and offline). There are internet marketers out there doing very well who have not compromised their integrity in the least. You want to emulate them.

the newly-established “pay what you want” e-commerce social shopping hub, has been distinguished with the ‘e-volution 2012’ award for its patented innovative business model by athens university of Economics’ (Laboratory of e-commerce) together with Greece’s publishing company Boussias Communications. galoo’s founders Alison Andrews and Manos Ioannidis have gladly accepted the distinction during the ceremony held at Onassis Cultural Foundation centre in Athens.

Navigation, or how your visitors are allowed to get around on your web site, is essential to them staying on your web site and revisiting it. If things are burdensome to find, you can wager impatient site visitors will not hang out. Navigation is an essential function and is an excellent way to up-date your website. When people consider a website redesign this is what often is thought of and yes, you can change or redesign your colors, design, page structure, name, and graphics to give your site a new look and feel.

Determine the goals and needs of your customers to develop a lucid path on your site. This will help to create a focus for your potential clients, which will attract their business and tap into their necessities. Find out exactly what your clients will need and elaborate on how you can provide this service to them.

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