Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Devil Card - What Does it Mean in Your Tarot Reading?

The Tarot cards and their meanings have intrigued and fascinated people for centuries.

The Tarot consists of 78 cards divided into two sections, the Major and Minor Arcana.

The word Arcana means secret.

The cards, therefore, are a collection of the secrets that can be revealed to a person in a Tarot Reading. The cards convey many messages because of the richness of their images and connections.

Guided by psychic intuition, the Tarot Reader interprets and verbalises these messages from the Cards, and passes them onto the Querent (the person receiving a Tarot reading).

The Devil Tarot card is numbered 15 in the Major Arcana section of the 78 card Tarot deck. A Tarot Reader will interpret this particular Tarot card in relation to where it appears in a Tarot Spread and the relationship with surrounding cards.

It can be seen as an unwelcome Tarot card if it turns up in a Tarot Spread in a Tarot Reading. The Querent can sometimes be unnerved by the appearance of this particular Card.

But it can be a wake-up call too, and urge self-examination, and can also answer the following questions:

* What tempts you most in your life?

* Do you give into temptation too easily?

* What is holding you back from achieving your dreams?

* When something goes wrong, who do you blame?

The Devil Tarot card has several meanings that can be quite negative on first sight. The Devil symbolises temptation and addiction, which don't tend to lead to happy outcomes. But the Devil Tarot card is not all bad.

If marriage or commitment to a relationship is the subject of consideration and this card is turned in a favourable position in a Tarot Reading, it's a good omen. In relation to most other issues this card is not a very positive one.

In relation to someone's personality the traits that The Devil Tarot card portrays are that of a depressed and negative person who always looks on the gloomy side of life, is closed to opportunity and is afraid to take on challenges.

In relation to family and friends the Devil Tarot card often represents a feeling of being tied down, a loss of independence or allowing yourself to be controlled. This card can often indicate a person who suffers addictions, obsessions or depression within the family or friendship group.

In relation to someone's health the Devil Tarot card often indicates a period of low mood that affects both physical and mental health. This may result from an addiction.

In relation to someone's love life the Devil Tarot card can indicate one of the partner's low mood, depression or addiction. It can also mean choosing to stay in the dark and fearing the unknown and to afraid to confront.

In relation to a person's career the Devil Tarot card suggests that thinking negatively, foreseeing a bleak future is blocking career enhancement plans.

This card is a wake up call and acts as a warning to the Querent of the dangers of being wrapped up in anything that is unhealthy - bad relationships, bad habits, and bad situations. However, sometimes it can also mean that the Querent needs to relax and have a little fun and perhaps take a risk or two, but not to go too far.

It can also represent seduction and sex and being tempted to do things normally against the Querent's moral code.

This is a card that requires the Tarot reader to interpret surrounding cards in a Tarot Spread to determine if it is presented in a positive or negative light.

Positive connotations associated with this card are permanence and commitment.

Negative connotations associated with this card are entrapment, lust, greed, anger or obsession.

To learn more about the Tarot and all things Psychic including developing Psychic powers, visit

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Tarot Symbolism and meaning of the Charter of the Lovers

When it comes to reading Tarot, no aspect of the card tarot enthusiasts often brings the excitement as its meaning usually refers to romantic unions and associations. In fact, you can refer to married couples, true love and the experience of finding your soul mate. However, there is more to lovers tarot card that only the concept of love. Love tarot card also refers to the duality, healing and individuation. Option card is always reminding us to apply spiritual principles in our lives to help us determine right from wrong.

Tarot symbolism of the Tree of Knowledge, the Serpent and the Garden of Eden

In the traditional tarot deck, tarot enthusiasts depicts a naked man and women standing beneath an angel. Behind the woman is a tree containing a serpent. It is difficult to associate this image with the tree if the knowledge and the Garden of Eden. This reference confirms the association of tarot enthusiasts of elections or decisions we make in our own lives. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge they have learned to discern good and evil. In this process, his own innocence was sacrificed. They no longer had the opportunity to live as children. They were forced to take responsibility for themselves. Therefore, the card lovers tarot indicates the need to become an adult and make decisions based on clear thinking. The goal is to always choose wisely.

The tree of knowledge can also be interpreted as the tree of life. The Tree of Life connects all life and is a symbol of the wisdom of God. Also associated with the Kabbalah and is the esoteric knowledge and the laws of nature. The Tree of Life contains the spiritual spheres of God's great design and reveals how they implemented these spiritual spheres to create the world.

It is important to note that the symbolism of the snake does not refer to the Devil. On the contrary, is a symbol of the rod Asdepius. Asdepius was the son of Apollo and was an expert in the practice of medicine. For card lovers tarot, the snake represents healing, medicine, and rejuvenation. Therefore, the tarot card lovers can relate to healing, particularly in relationships.

The symbolism of the Tarot of the angel Raphael, the mountain and 12 llamas

Above the men and women is the angel Raphael, who is a symbol of truth and healing. Here the Lovers tarot card references the concept of duality and integrity. The angel Raphael can communicate to the female through her intuitive awareness. The female is a symbol of the female parts of our psyche. She is the intuitive subconscious. She then communicates with the man who represents the men and conscious parts of our psyche. She prepares to leave the world and act according to spiritual principles that have been encouraged to live. In essence, the female, our intuitive self, is the messenger of divine inspiration. The marriage between the parties male / female psyche represents wholeness and integration of our psychic or personalities.

Between man and woman supports a great mountain. The mountain is a symbol of the path to achievement, integration and spiritual challenges we face in our lives. Behind the man is a bush on fire representing 12 of the 12 months of the Zodiac.

In summary, the lovers tarot helps us make important decisions in our lives. The female parts of our psyche, or inner self, help us connect to divine intervention and vision. The man, or a conscious part of the psyche, is one's wife or intuitive to help guide you in the world. The Lovers card of Tarot represents the need to establish a communication between the unconscious and the conscious. When this relationship is harmonious, no balance and objectivity. This will then have the opportunity to make the right decisions for their own lives.

Caroyn Naiman is a professional Tarot Reader, the author and webmaster of For more information on live tarot readings or tarot reading for free, please visit their website.

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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

How accurate are Tarot readings?

Place all the cards on the table and the tarot reader will do the rest for you. Sometimes one wonders how a person can read a bunch of cards with different images on it and it actually makes sense out of it. What is more surprising is how the card readers can know who you are, to recover his past and predict what is likely to happen in the future. This despite the fact that I have faced in your life and just laid eyes on each other. Some people claim they have done tarot readings forwarded some truth about their lives and what is to come.

No wonder then that people come regularly to get tarot readings and make your constant guidance in making important life decisions. Subsequently, an important follow a few will be intrigued by tarot reading and was convinced to give it a try. Others do not believe any of that and portray it as a coincidence. This begs the question: How accurate are the readings of tarot?

Surprisingly, tarot reading has existed for centuries and there are many tarot readers on earth. Tarot reading is still a skill you can learn and be competent at. It is imperative however that you look carefully at how this is being done to ensure the accuracy of tarot readings. There are three areas to consider: tarot cards, the type of questions and their thinking.

Tarot reading is impossible without tarot cards, the card to be used must be properly selected and you should find that the card will suit you if you intend to do the reading on your own. While searching for one and are attracted to a special cover, then you should follow your intuition. Then you can start getting immersed in learning the different styles of reading, you can even interview, with permission, a tarot reader of good reputation to help in this endeavor.

Then you are ready to consult the tarot with the questions you have in mind, do not forget however that the tarot is intended to be a guide and does not know everything magician. Therefore, you should be able to compose a wide range of questions about relationships and events in your life who need help. Questions like who is going to end and for how long they will be together can not be responsible through the tarot.

Since the accuracy of tarot reading is the central theme here, it is also important to do your reading falls in the right mindset. Yes, you can be bothered by something at the time you need to consult the tarot, but a clear mind, will not connect with the tarot and find the precise answers. What you can do, then, is the condition of your account before you start reading, start with some breathing exercises and concentrate on the task at hand.

At the end of tarot reading and have found the answers to your questions, it is essential that you become mature enough to accept the results it may bring. Note that the Tarot is simply a tool for orientation and not the ultimate authority in your life.

Keith Ward is the founder and director of Circle of professional psychics, offering psychic readings with highly skilled and older blind clairvoyant in the UK.

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Monday, 27 August 2012

Can you, if you read tarot cards for yourself?

Recently, the question was asked, "can read cards yourself? '

The answer? Of course.

In fact, I do it all the time. Sometimes I want a quick print cards on someone or something that caught my attention. For example, if you choose who among the three contractors, which would be best to use, you may choose a separate letter to represent each.

I would also like to do my due diligence standard, such as verification of insurance and licenses, contact the State to see if complaints have been made, etc, etc.

But the use of tarot cards is a form of intuition that invited to give their opinion.

It is often difficult to hear the voice of intuition through the background static of "should" and emotion. Tarot is a great tool for cutting through it.

Pulling a card of the day is a great way to align with the energies of the day, give yourself a head to surprise possible, and to know your Tarot deck. One can observe the pattern of the cards at the time of day. Are there certain cards that keep popping up? Is there a game that you are not seeing? This is information that can help you understand the internal processes you are experiencing.

But Tarot is not infallible. If you are too caught up in the answer or you are very emotionally attached to the current situation can easily miss the message. The problem is not the cards - high emotional impact, the share of their ability to receive information and literally see what is right in front of you.

True story.

About 20 years ago I worked for a company that was experiencing a change in ownership. New management was coming in. My hope was that they were going to do some much needed house cleaning.

I did a spread and Torre came in a prominent place. At the time I came from a place of anxiety and fear and I wanted to see the stirring message brought by the appearance of the Tower.

And two weeks later, I was among those chosen to receive a letter of dismissal.

I should also note that I have done what many others do not like when the cards are in an emotionally charged situation - repeated reading asking the same question.

Card readers with experience will tell you the same question over and over again gets gibberish. The first broadcast addresses more directly the issues at hand. When repeating the same question over and over again, as if the cards feel respected and react by refusing to comment.

The moral of this story is that reading your own cards can be very useful, but emotionally, you must be able to accept the advice of the cards.

It is when you are unable to release on their own situation which is particularly valuable to search for a reader to give necessary objectivity and a sounding board.

The result is that the Tarot is a direct communication with your intuition. The cards you choose will reflect your mood. And the disclosures of your unconscious, your conscious mind picks up is not yet aware. Sign up for my free e-course, using Tarot to access your intuition, to learn the techniques to break the secret of the cards. Visit

Article Source:,-If-You,-reading Tarot-Cards-For yourself?

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Tarot Readings and Love Letter of the Sun

If you are at all familiar with love tarot readings, which you know that the Sun card represents happiness, joy and satisfaction. His appearance serves as a reminder that you have confidence in you is shining through in all areas of your life. This trust also will flourish in your relationship. Confidence, balance and harmony permeate your interactions and communication. The sun makes sure a whole new level of connection and intimacy with their romantic partner or potential love interest.

Sun's letter invites you to trust your intuition when it comes to matters of love. The more you trust your own ideals, the more you will be able to manifest them in their relationships. In love tarot readings, the Sun is often indicated the power to follow his own heart. Sun's letter invites you to search your inner child with respect to their romantic relationship. It is important to continue working on being vulnerable and exposing your true self to your partner. It will bring you closer and at the same time, it will set you free.

The tarot card of the Sun is traditionally the achievement and success. Often brings great positive events, such as financial achievement, the completion of major projects, celebrations, weddings or births. It is a sign that they have finally achieved the unification process of his being. You have reached clarity, perspective and a deeper understanding of his being.

The sun is one of the most positive letters on love tarot readings. It's a great sign that positive changes in your love life is sure to manifest. For people already in a relationship, may suggest a period of happiness and celebration that will be shared between you and your partner. They bring new levels of compassion and understanding. It can also refer to family issues such as pregnancy and therefore may refer to the beginning of a new family.

To the person alone, the sun reminds you to comply fully and accepted. When you get out there yourself permission to have fun and be yourself. In many cases, the sun can indicate the start of a new relationship. It might be the sign of their willingness to start looking for someone to share his life.

The letter from the Sun always urged to be more playful. It reminds you to enjoy your life, if you are in a relationship or not. In fact, is the symbol of happiness. It is important to remember that relationships do not make a whole person. That can only come from within. It is time to accept yourself as you are and let go of fears and self-consciousness you may have. For love tarot readings, the letter of the Sun always reminds you to accept and be who you really are.

Caroyn N. is a professional Tarot Reader and the webmaster of For more information on online tarot free or try a free tarot reading, please visit their website.

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Are they accurate Tarot cards?

The strange truth Tarot Readings and Karma

How accurate are the tarot cards? Can they really predict the future? Are they able to reveal his past? Or are they simply a tool or technique to fool people into believing that karma is real ... or that your life has a purpose at all? In this article we will take a quick and easy access to the truth about tarot readings, and answer some common questions many of you thinking of getting one, you probably want to know! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look, just below.

Are tarot cards "psychic"? How to predict the future?

Good question! (And also very common) The truth is that the Tarot is what I call a symbolic science. They represent two symbolic archetypes and trends in your life and provide the reader with a framework by which the performance of your current karma, or the trajectory of the decisions you've made so far are taking.

Thus, in effect ... I do not think the cards themselves are psychic, but I do definitely think they provide a unique window into his soul, or spiritual direction, and most professional tarot reader card that I know agree with this too.

A good analogy?

If you've ever had a Ouija board experience, for example ... the same basic idea that is at stake. A cardboard box of Parker Brothers is not, by itself, connected to the world of spirits. But, to channel and focus your energy and concentration on the use of it, it opens a gateway to communicate with spirits, and have had many amazing experiences to prove it. Similarly, the tarot is a form of "channeling" his own intuition, and intentions, and spiritual direction in a focused way, which allows an intuitive talent for interpreting their unique karma very effectively.

Are psychic tarot readers themselves?

Some are definitely, yes. But again, in my view, the Tarot is really a tool of science, as well as the spirit! (And believe it or not, depending on what story you believe is true, was originally used by both astronomers and scientists of the new era in the sense of "guess" the future as a result)

How accurate are the tarot cards?

They are as accurate as the reader who is playing! In other words, unless you know what to look for, and what they are trying to say, they are limited by the interpretation offered by each card, the person that reads it. I have had readings were extremely surprised that accurate in the morning .... and the same day, with almost the same cards, different interpretations have been made by less skilled tarot readers, without any real "change" in the symbols themselves.

For this reason, the most important criteria for the interpretation of their own reading is comfort with the intuition and understanding of the person who gave the reading in the first place. (And another great reason to do a "test" with any psychic tarot session before spending a lot of money, or spend much time with someone who does not know which is right for you, before you do!)

Remember ...

Each of us has the karma. Each of us make decisions that have consequences. The tarot is a great tool to see the big picture, but it's not magic, much like medicine, science or any other service profession other hand, the skill of the physician is critical to getting things right!

Want proof? Click here == \\ u003e For an incredible Tarot reading for $ 20 or less ... Without leaving your home.

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Friday, 24 August 2012

Effective use of Tarot for the psychic reading sessions

The Tarot is a deck of cards that originated 500 years ago in northern Italy and is also used to play a group of card games such as Win, was quickly adopted as a tool for divination or as a map of mental and spiritual paths. It was popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The principle of the Tarot as a tool in the psychic reading

The mystery of the tarot card reading and tarot dates back many centuries.

Although deeply rooted in the medieval and Renaissance Europe, the symbolism of the Tarot through the centuries has evolved to incorporate everything from Astrology and Kabbalah to Runes (which predate the Tarot by 1000 years) and the I Ching (which precedes the Tarot by 2500 years).

Originally commissioned by wealthy clients in the fifteenth century the famous artists of the time to create beautiful works of art on the cards, the tarot was later discovered by a number of influential scholars of the occult. Images of tarot cards have realized conducted a deep and mystical meaning which could be used for psychic divination. The connections between tarot cards to Egyptian mysteries, the Kabbalah, alchemy and other mystical systems were discerned by these scholars.

Today, the Tarot is by far the most popular tool for spiritual introspection or readings by psychics in the West in predicting the future.

Effective uses Tarot

Illustration of the past and present. During reading, tarot cards can be used to illustrate, inform and accurately predict the results about love, relationships, money, career and personal welfare. One can ask questions that will help you not only understand the past or current situation, but also to better understand their own actions or thoughts, or find out how to improve a relationship.

Orientation. A psychic reading tarot psychic ability combined with the use of the tarot deck. A psychic tarot reading will certainly make use of both meanings of the cards in the combination and use of psychic ability called reading between the cards. In other words, the psychic uses the tarot deck for the guidance of the spirit, but also uses psychic abilities to relay accurate psychic predictions in all the circumstances of his life.

To give birth to your life with positive qualities of the letters. The Tarot can be used for meditation or affirmation. The Tarot can be used to perform a certain quality that you want to increase your life, or an act. When choosing a card that represents the quality you want and use it in meditation (eg the choice of the Force, Justice, or the stars as card acceptance and trust in the universe), settling in a place where can see and focus on it, thinking of the image during the day. This particular action will be activated in that kind of thinking and behavior.

In providing advice and assistance. Tarot can be used as a way to get what is happening in one's mind, especially the deeper layers can not be easily accessible to our conscious minds. The archetypal and significant content on the card reflects in large part how we are responding to a situation that is in our minds. Therefore, the psychic can work with customers to isolate and understand how these ideas are reflected thoughts and feelings.

Universal Psychic Guild offers psychic readings expert interpretations of the Tarot, and reading online 24/7! Visit his website now more information on Free Online Psychic.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid in the interpretation of the Tarot

Tarot is a tool used in many different spiritual paths to help the practitioner better understand a situation and offer advice. Use of the cards presented in a "margin" that can begin to be more intimate with the question at issue. Many practitioners begin and read a value card or look for patterns in chaos. Today we will go over four of the biggest mistakes that beginners make when reading a tarot spread.

One of the biggest mistakes is that the tarot will tell the future. Unfortunately, the future has not been written yet, so we can only use the tarot to discuss the current route is at: the things that happen in your life, in this case. Tarot is a tool that tells our story through the paintings and drawings. When you look at a margin if there is a history of representations. This brings us to our second biggest mistake.

As mentioned before, when we look at one card at a certain position within a range and read it at face value, you are missing the big picture. Ex When a letter appears in the position of an extension beyond three letters do not interpret the card until you look at the current and future positions. You will find each card has a whole new meaning when dimensions together with other cards in the spread. This is what tarot is, the search for patterns that are the story within the given extension.

Like most other practitioners wanted to start by reading the Celtic Cross spread. This expansion takes place 12.09 positions of the card. Find a pattern for a beginner in the chaos of this extension is usually too difficult. Comply with smaller margins, such as three card past, present and future, will make life much easier in the long run. As they begin to recognize patterns of two to three letters that can move more comfortably in the spreads of cards 5-9.

Our intuition is the driving force behind all the good decisions we make, if we listen. This is the third biggest mistake tarot reading, not listening to your intuition. Your intuition is your instinct, breast lump you get when you feel something is right or wrong. When you look at a card, look at the symbols on it and feel what you are saying before you open the book and find their "correct" meaning. This leads to more personal revelations and can cause the consultant as to what information must be given. When I read people who always say "Now you will have a discussion about your situation based on what the cards tell us." Tarot should not be a one-way street. The most talented professionals to use the cards as a tool to discuss the meaning of the current situation and offer advice.

Fourth, last but certainly not the mistake of making several readings of the same question. This will not make the situation more clearly and is not going to further replies. The tarot will tell you what you need with a single extension. If you need clarification can reshuffle and seek clarification on an insurance card. The only disadvantage of 2-3 letters of clarification. If you choose more than 2-3 letters that begin to merge and tarot contradicts itself. Most times the best cards for more clarification on the card is the person he represents is read and the results of that situation.

In general, the tarot is a great tool to use to understand a situation and find some good advice. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in reading the tarot, you can not learn if they make mistakes. Always have fun when they are reading, even if the topic is serious, often times people need to be comfortable during a reading of so maintaining a facade generally happy during reading, this will let them know that all is well.

Eshey Ian is the author of the popular eBook "Six Tales: Learn Tarot in one day." Also offers free articles and resources on how to read tarot cards in their website.

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Why Tarot?

How to tell if you are ready for a Tarot Card Reading

When is the right time to consult a psychic or clairvoyant? What kind of reading is the best for beginners, or those who have not had a psychic experience in the past? And for those of us who are skeptical, cynical or not yet believe that psychic abilities are even established? Tarot is a good option for people who are on the fence ... or is there a better or more "direct" type of reading that is preferable?

Any of these questions sound familiar? The truth is that tarot cards are a very powerful method is still very controversial for the planning, plotting and predicting future events and get a lot of praise and criticism accordingly.

Why? Because in many ways, tarot cards are an anomaly in the overall professional counseling, healing and therapeutic niche.

For example ...

- Some well-known counselors and therapists who do not believe in psychic abilities at all, are among the biggest advocates and practitioners of tarot use as a tool to help guide their clients and patients forward.

- Due to the symbolic nature of tarot, and interpretation "art" as well as the science of symbols and archetypes to predict human behavior ... although some skeptics are known fans of the use of tarot cards to help people identify problematic issues in their lives, career guidance, relationship help to alleviate the pain too.

And of course ...

Many world-class psychic, psychics, intuitive and empathic emotional use the tarot as an incredible tool, not only to predict the future ... but to help clients rediscover their true life passion and purpose and personal power as well.

So how do you know when a tarot reading is right for you?

It's simple. When you need an alternative view, or a different point of view to which most people find when searching for tips on life of the traditional places.

When your mind is open, when you feel adventurous spirit and when you feel free and willing to experiment with ideas that are off the beaten path a bit to boot!

In my own life, after going through a major life challenge for many years, I realized I was getting very little benefit from talking to a therapist, or even my doctor, and he felt trapped in a quagmire that could not escape.

When I told my doctor (a close relative of the family too) wanted to talk to a psychic, I expected him to laugh, and discourage it completely.

However, to my surprise, told me that if I felt it would help, and if an unorthodox source of advice I would give more options to consider, not only recommend it ... I actually floored by recommendation from a reader a good reputation in the community to get in touch.

That experience for me, helped me move forward in my life in ways that traditional therapy did not, and at least for me ... was a life changing experience to open my mind to ideas I thought were silly too! (And that the tarot reader is still a part of my life to this very day ... and a very close friend too!)

Danny Fredricks is a full-time writer, editor and search engine of psychic and spiritual experiences from around the world. Has been reviewed, interviewed and documented their personal experiences with some of the most famous psychics, clairvoyants and media in the world ... through thousands of published articles that have been read by nearly 1 million readers.

Danny is currently reviewing psychological services online HERE and contributes regular content of psychic origin, on a weekly basis.

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Monday, 20 August 2012

How Accurate Tarot Card Readings are?

Tarot card readings have grown immensely popular. These are being used by psychics and even those who are just beginning to understand art. Over time, the tarot has been a useful tool for divination. And as time passed, it has become a tool to predict the future, including the different aspects of one's life such as love, career, and relationships.

Its popularity has really expanded its scope, as even websites are already offering psychic readings and tarot reading. They even offer SMS text readings, chat readings and email readings. But the question still persists, even among those who are not out of skepticism as to whether these readings are correct or not.

Here are some thoughts from people who have had experience with the tarot reading.

One suggestion, which I think is so vague, comes from the magic 8-ball. And the answer is "no, not accurate."

Another suggestion comes from a woman named Helen, who says tarot reading is not really a science. However, this may indicate where the wind blows. Sometimes things can be predicted correctly, while there will be times you can be wrong. He adds that in fact has no direct connection to the future, present and past.

He adds that people who understand the actual practice of reading tarot also understand that it is purely to predict what will happen in the future. It's just a tool by which the applicant can make sense of the choices you have in life and ultimately, the decision and its future still depends on your options today. In short, it only gives a sense of direction you go in life.

"Tarot helps you meet whatever comes in the best way possible." This is the opinion of another person who is a prominent scholar named Mary K. Tarot Greer.

Another view comes from a skeptic who simply says that tarot cards are just cards. And there is no card is powerful enough to make predictions of the future. He added that the power of the cards is actually in the mind of the seeker. If one believes that the predictions of the cards going to happen, then you tend to act according to how the cards say things will happen.

Another view is similar to the above, as he says tarot predictions come true only when they let go when you start to matter to our lives and actions and decisions, then start to gain its power.

If you look at the problem as a whole, we realize that tarot cards are only used? To interpret a person's life or lifestyle, perhaps. We are not obliged to believe it, because we are all entitled to our own decisions and choices. If we think will give us peace of mind and direction, then by all means you are welcome to use the tarot.

Universal Psychic Guild offers tarot reading, tarot interpretations and readings online 24/7! Visit his website now and have a chat psychic for more information.

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Mythbusters Tarot

The aim of this paper is to clear obsolete and unnecessary superstitions related to reading Tarot cards.

Ask any experienced Tarot reader and ethics, if they believe that tarot cards are evil, the devil's work, and psychic and clairvoyant can only read, you may have laughed. I would do the same honest. The more you use and work with these cards for most of my understanding of its true meaning and capacity.

By using the cards with a group of people who claim no knowledge of the Tarot cards, it is always fascinating to hear the answer when the Death card is turned. Brusca of breath to say the least, murmuring: "Oh, death! '. All sat at that table have not deceive, do not really have an understanding of the Death card, which have been led to believe the sense wrong for that card and others. What happens then is that I just explained the correct meaning and convince them of this fact, the impression he would rather have the drama of the original meaning.

Most cards are made from wood pulp and printing ink molded into shapes of cards with a picture on one side and a pattern on the back, all 78 cards. Which is exactly what they are and everything you always will be. Even digital images are only a representation of an image of the symbols and works of art. These are the meanings that are the most interesting.

Tarot has evolved over the centuries, its history, possibly as a game of cards of the 15th century, perhaps even earlier. Its development as a tool for divination is not entirely clear, but the man has used many elements as a tool to "look ahead", including pitching animal bones, chicken viscera, throwing dice, runes, consuming drugs from plants, looking at water bowls, plus the elegant art of drinking a cup of tea and begin to set the stool in the dish to "see" what the tea leaves have to say. I used the foam of a cappuccino, sometimes, and I know that beer is also used.

Hollywood is also responsible for many of the myths of today, ie the Devil card has been changed by what has incorrectly used to represent the real death on film. This is an additional inexpensive to add atmosphere and fear. Tarot reader subjects are portrayed as mysterious, the wearing of fluid, with turbans, too much jewelry and bad taste, the actors are portrayed as unchanging in a gypsy fortune tellers tent or caravan with a crystal ball on the table. It is a Hamming window and up.

Superstition about Tarot is a work of fiction, possibly built by people who want to add mystery and control as they can make an idea that they have the special domain of knowledge, secrets and gifts. All charm to hide their insecurities. If a Tarot reader is good, will have nothing to prove - by word of mouth will do. A linen closet unusual is the last thing a decent Tarot card needs to improve his reputation.

Most of the superstition is fairly recent, which has accelerated in the last century with the arrival of cinema, television and an increase in the number of people interested in the Tarot. These myths have also increased in volume and has been heavily embroidered on the way.

Let's dispel the most popular:

1. You should never buy your own Tarot Cards

If this were the case, then I'd still be waiting for my first deck of cards. I have no idea why or when this started, makes no sense. There is much to be done, who else will know exactly what style card appeal or "talk" to you? Enjoy watching the different styles in bookstores and online, ask to see the letters from my friends, do some research and has a valuable collection of different Tarot decks. You can complete the design of their own.

2. Never let anyone touch their Tarot cards

I can understand if someone is very particular and does not like to let every Tom, Dick or Harry manage their cards, but nothing bad will happen if others feel of its cover. I used the same cover for over 12 years and that makes me feel proud when someone asks to see my letters, often expect to be denied, but gladly deliver and explain a little about them. I give them a good shuffle later. It is an ideal time for them to ask questions and clarify some myths.

3. Psychics can only read Tarot cards

Yes, psychics can read tarot cards, especially if they have spent time studying them - and the same applies to everyone else, anyone can read. There are people out there who have an understanding of the cards and can be read without any exercise, but most of us will have to put some work in. It is possible for us to learn to read tarot cards, provided when we have the right books, and / or an online course, another reader of Tarot cards to teach us how we all need a place to start. It does enrich a Tarot reading, if the reader is psychic, clairvoyant, and / or intuitive, there are professional readers who do not intend to have any of the above qualities, but have studied and practiced until it became more domain.

The aim of this paper is to clear obsolete and unnecessary superstitions related to reading Tarot cards.

The above response also applies, physicians, psychologists, police, military, business, whatever, they read the cards. There is a cover for the whole world too, hundreds of styles of tarot, Arthur to Egypt, Fairies, The Lord of the Rings, go online and see for yourself. Out there someone is working on his own deck of cards. Outside there is also someone who seeks enlightenment, guidance, inner wisdom, and to shuffle your Tarot cards. It is for everyone. Why witches have all the fun?

5. Tarot Cards are Magic

Uh, no, definitely not. They are made in a factory, packaged and shipped to a wholesaler or store. Sorry if I spoiled that for you. They are used as a tool for the reader, symbols, meanings and images to trigger a flow of information. See them for what they are and avoid the myths.

6.Tarot cards are bad

Tarot cards do not have magical properties and bad qualities, which are just the card. All decent Tarot readers use the cards to help, enlighten, show the possible alternatives, answer questions on a variety of ways good and useful. They would never think to do otherwise. Anyone who professes to use them for evil is fooling themselves and others.

We have yet to mention the card manufacturers are accused? Of wrongdoing either.

7. Gypsies Tarot fantasy

There is no evidence that Roma played a role in the development of Tarot cards. Tarot evolved from a card game in the 15th century or earlier, in Europe, expensive gifts, hand painted sorted by the aristocrats, the woodcuts mass produced for public purchase.

8. Tarot cards are never wrong

Tarot cards are used to illuminate the path and the choices you have in your life, choices and alternatives. The future is not written in stone, but the sand, it is up to you that the future path you take, there may be some detours along a route, possibly going to end in the same place. Free will and choice play a role in your life and the Tarot cards can reflect that.

9. Tarot cards originated in Egypt

This rumor was started and the fallacy of the Court of Gébelin. He misinterpreted two Egyptian words, believing that referred Tarot and it was only when the Rosetta Stone was translated after 1799 that his mistake was cleared up.

10. Tarot cards can not be read over the phone

Of course it is as simple as the client asks a question and Tarot reader then type the query, shuffle the cards, and continues reading. It also applies to reading through the Internet, is the same technique. The fact that the person, consultant, did not sit next to him, does not mean you can not interact and give them answers with the help of tarot cards. Sometimes the answer I wrote and printed out or e-mail, and is just as valid.

11. Cats capacity sap

When this was first suggested to me, my jaw dropped in surprise. Needless to say I invited all four family cats in space for readings at night. God knows where this one started. No one ounce of truth in it.

12. Pregnant women should not read the cards

If this were true, health warnings to be printed on the sides of packs of cards. It is perfectly safe for pregnant women to read the cards, they may be able to balance the cards in his shot while doing so.

13. Unable to read tarot cards for you

Yes, of course he can, but write the questions on paper first and use a Tarot book to rely on the answers. The trick is to use the responses to the letters book for his own answer, otherwise you can find a struggle to be impartial or independent. By writing everything down, then you can check if newer.

You may not want someone to read to you and this is a method to develop.

14. Her tarot cards should be wrapped in silk

Only if you like silk ..... I can use old silk scarves that are dear and hard to let go of, keeps the edges of the cards from being scratched, plus it is comfortable to hold. As for my "work" housing, living in a gadget bag, usually purchased for the protection and realization of MP3 players. Two decks and a digital recorder can fit into it. Nobody has any idea what's inside when you take it.

16. Tarot cards are the work of the Devil

Of course not. They are the work of people who want to help others, help them with problems they are having, improve their lives, discover new techniques for their empowerment, use of modern psychology. Many of these people are professional classes, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, scientists, consultants, etc. The cards are a good tool if you want. What goes around comes around.

17. The cards are hidden

The word occult means hidden. We know that the cards originated as playing cards in the 15th century, with various interest groups? To become them and set their own beliefs and meanings. The word occult has been used over the years lost, trying to make a false statement of its actual use and to suggest something under the table.

18 The letter implies death death

In short, it means a change. If you want to change careers and this card appears in a reading, then you may feel a huge sense of relief - depending if you know its true meaning. This is the card that filmmakers use to understand that death is unpleasant to happen, without actually appreciate what they are doing. Therefore tarot readers spend a considerable amount of time to pacify customers, when this card appears. Change.

19. All tarot card readers can not be trusted

I can be subjective when responding to this! Always go with the word of mouth when choosing someone to give a reading. Any profession can be a charlatan, a con man or a woman. Just be patient and make sure that the tarot reader is well thought out. If you are in a reading and he was very pleased with the way of things, and then make a quick exit. The ideal is to have a sense of well being after a reading, a sense of enlightenment, does not feel as if he had been robbed blind. Use your instincts here.

20. Horrible Flip Cards are always

Some people choose not to use flip cards reading, so stay with the 78 way vertical. What do you mean that you miss out on another 78 meanings, and some of them are very, very positive. This only means to study a little more when they learn, I suggest you look in some tarot books in bookstores online that offer the best-selling tarot meanings reversed. It will broaden their knowledge and reading.

Nick Greer

[Http :/ /]

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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Are they accurate Tarot cards?

The TRUTH about Tarot (and how to get the best reading for you)

How accurate are the readings of tarot cards? Are they the same special cards, or "psychic" or imbued with the intuitive power of themselves? Or maybe it's the real reader himself who has psychic abilities that brings the cards .... and reading to life? Do I need to be psychic to read tarot cards really professional? Or can someone learn to read tarot and psychic ..... simply through perseverance and practice? In this article we take a closer look at some common questions and misconceptions about tarot readings, and try to separate fact from fiction in the form of an actual reading works so well. Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Are you psychic tarot cards?

The truth is that absolutely NO. As a matter of fact, I'd suggest that tarot is nothing but a tool or technique to collect "psychic signals" and helping people who are sensitive intuition, interpret and finally understand the feelings, sensations arising during a read.

Does that make sense? If not ..... let's try it this way:

Everyone has seen or heard of "psychic detectives" or crime solvers, right? Most people who do this professionally, and are well known and respected by the authorities, work in missing persons cases, unsolved crimes, and often cases involving children. What the vast majority of these types of psychic practices is something called psychometry, which is accelerating, the reading and interpretation of the energy of the elements of someone's property to close the case (often the victim .. . or missing person, or sometimes even the suspect).

The idea?

That these elements have energy. And this energy can be read, understood and interpreted to provide guidance on what the evidence points in the direction that will help solve these crimes.

Tarot reading is really the same thing.

It is a symbolic art, and in some cases ..... readers do not even really need to be "psychic" to be incredibly accurate!


Because even the skeptics admit that all objects are made of energy. You are. I am. And I'm sitting on the table now is not "solid" at all. It is mostly empty space ........ and in its most basic level, that is all atoms and molecules and chains of all "vibe" at an incredible speed that comes from the appearance of being solid!

Sounds silly?

It should not ... since this is a fact and accepted that most science now accepts as true. (And it's one of the fundamental principles of quantum physics)

Tarot cards emit energy, excitement and a frequency that suggests a directional "flow" of his life, his decisions and where it goes.

The Tarot is a tool and technique for the understanding of symbols, images and archetypes. (Which are represented by the same individual cards)

Finally ... Many tarot card readers are in fact highly gifted psychic sensitivity that most people are not.

When combined, these 3 factors, ideally, what remains is highly informative, accurate readings and very surprising ... even if you do not necessarily completely believe in psychic abilities at all.

As a matter of fact, one of the best tarot readings I have received as a writer psychic researchers and the editor was a well known psychologist and psychoanalyst who does not believe that is psychic at all. (But do not believe in karma, and?? Do not think our energies and unconscious emotions run the cards in a very specific way)

Does everyone who reads tarot in accordance with the above?

Absolutely NO. Some think that much of what I wrote above is true .... and must be "psychic" to get all the information card intuitive at all.

Your best bet if you're curious but not convinced?

Find highly rated, well reviewed and highly recommended reading tarot and get your own evidence, and have their own experience, without believing in anything that anyone else has to say. There is only so much you can learn from the experiences of others. The key to having your own "a-ha" moment of finding their own psychic experiences and having lots of fun along the way!

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Saturday, 18 August 2012

No psychics use tarot cards?

Q: Why do psychics use tarot cards? What is the benefit of using a "support" if you have the natural and psychic ability? Do not use tarot media and ... and if so, how is that?

A: The Tarot is just a tool, or a way to channel and focus energy and attention in a specific direction. Tarot is also a very symbolic, interpretive art, and ... which gives a good psychic a new dimension to explore and express their intuitive abilities.

Let me give you some quick examples that I hope make more sense.

George Anderson, the famous medium is well known out in anger, or a drawing on a piece of paper while taking a reading. This is a very simple technique used to channel and focus your mental mediumship in the expression of symbols, signs and receiving messages from beyond.

(And many other psychics and media, both famous and little known, the use of tools and techniques similar to artistic expression during the reading is quite common)

Tarot, is similar but has some advantages. Symbols is provided in a ready-made ... and a good tarot reader is actually the application of both psychic gifts, psychology and interpretation skills even more exotic such as understanding the archetypes, astrology and the universal traits of personality as well.

A tarot reader truly special is primarily psychological, of course, but uses the tarot to move forward and interpret, where your customers are, have been in the past ... and goes in the future.

Curious to experience a good tarot reading for you? Here are some super simple tips to ensure your next tarot reading is as accurate as possible ... and have a good time to boot!

- Do a little due diligence before reading

Some tarot readers, for example ... NO psychic at all and just use the cards to the psychological interpretation. Believe it or not, there are some completely NO "psychic" uses of tarot in conventional psychiatry, and though definitely not mainstream ... I know people who think that psychic abilities are just silly, but still use the tarot in her practice of therapy as a tool.

- Make sure you know what kind of reading you need as well.

Like what? Media rarely use tarot cards as a tool. Most spiritual psychics tend to try to connect to the spirit with other techniques ... and more often than not, if you are looking for that kind of tarot reading and choose a psychic, you will be disappointed.

On the other hand ...

Readings that are predictive in nature is perfect for the tarot. Love, romance and relationship readings in particular. Carreras, passion and purpose in life in general readings are!

Remember, have fun, enjoy and open your mind, spirit and heart intuitive to the idea that life has a plan ... and let the tarot help show the way!

Stuck? Our tarot reading promises to help you find your true life purpose in 30 minutes. (100% guaranteed!)

Live the life you love. Start today.

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Friday, 17 August 2012

How to choose a tarot deck that increases its potential

There is no doubt that tarot cards are very useful to mankind. Its existence for a very long period is a test of its immense power. Since it is used simply as a deck of playing cards, tarot is now used for reading the tarot which aims to look into the future and what it has for people and to give guidance as to the choices and decisions have to do.

However, power is not really in the tarot deck itself. One of the things people have to understand is that the success of a tarot reading it all depends on the ability of the reader and the connection with his letters. This means that everything begins with the proper way to select the tarot deck that will help unleash the potential of a reading of the letters.

Here are some ways to select carefully the cover.

1. The cards to match your style. The cards come in different images and drawings. However, it is certain that among the hundreds of designs, there should be one that really matches the style itself. We also note that the illustrations are only 50 percent of all history. This is the card interpretations, which are also important for reading. Tarot today come in different colors such as jewelry, cakes and monotonous. It would be helpful to search online for you to get an idea of ??the variety of these cards.

2. Try to define the cover. There will always be some variations in the definitions of the tarot deck, including the names and positions on the deck. And although the cover comes with a guide, the meanings of the letters may vary according to each reading.

3. If the first option fails, get another one. Sometimes, our initial assessments on the deck of tarot fail. In this situation, it's okay to buy another card. Keep a cover that does not connect with you will be useless. Try looking again and see online so at least you can take some time to feel and look more closely at the cards.

4. When the tarot card that suits you and then it's time to start using the right way. Here are some useful steps to do so.

- Think before you jump to read the cards. We are all concerned about the timeliness of the things we need to carry out most of the time, have fun. By meditating, we are releasing our minds and took all our anxieties and prejudices.

- Take note not only of the meanings of each card, but also signals the applicant. The combination of these two and they are more likely to have a better reading of the tarot.

- Never clear tarot readings for financial reasons. It is a skill that many people want to learn. Is it to help others find meaning in their lives.

Universal Psychic Guild offers telephone psychic readings, interpretations, tarot readings and free video email psychics 24/7! Visit his website now for more information.

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

What's stopping you - Tapping into Tarot to discover his true purpose in life

The tarot is a great tool to discover your true purpose in life. Symbols, archetypes, intuition, interpretation and psychic gifts are all in the game for a tarot reading, life, karma or END.

Tarot is different from other types of readings on a number of levels:

1 - The Tarot is more symbolic than traditional psychic readings. While all readings have some level of symbolic interpretation, tarot is obviously the de facto government ... a performance art.

This is an example -

I recently spoke with a known "celebrity" who is well known medium of television, and talking and events worldwide.

One of the things he said was, when a message arrives from the other side ... is almost always in some kind of sign or symbol that you need to filter or understand how to read properly.

In the tarot, which have that level up, and many more levels of "down" ... in a letter can mean one thing for a reader, and a more experienced tarot psychic or intuitive, can have a much richer, deeper understanding and complete the blocks in your life, and what you need to overcome as well.

In some respects, a professional tarot reader has to be both a psychologist and a psychic as well!

2 - Tarot can be when done correctly ... establish a very linear way to learn to overcome the obstacles that are holding.

Instead of abstract readings are only in the intuitive nature, the tarot can create a clear path for you to follow when making future decisions of life. For many of those who feel "stuck" and are seeking guidance, or need a gentle nudge in the right direction when a big decision in life is presented, a good tarot reading can be (and often is) an envoy God.

The funny thing? While some of the worlds richest celebrities and well use tarot readings, clairvoyants and seers equipped to make important decisions in life, yet many skeptics and cynics scoff at the idea that the tarot is a viable tool for decision important decisions. What's so funny is, many of those same people use all kinds of other tools and techniques as therapy, the psychologist and even "mood drugs" to help them move forward in their lives ... that are more or less proved to be completely ineffective in the long run for everyone! Moreover, the spiritual tools and techniques and orientation is one of the few proven ways to discover your passion and purpose in life. (And the tarot is one of the easiest and most affordable to start)

Sick of getting caught? Discover the true purpose of life in 30 minutes. (100% guaranteed)

Live the life you love. Tarot will show you the way. Start today.

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Symbolism of the Tarot

It is an invention of tarot from the imagination of great and genuine way to seek guidance?

Universal in style and beliefs, the definition of tarot can be a mixture of theories, mythology, religion, opinions, ideas, faith and intuition.

The secret to discover the mystery of life depends on what are identified through an open heart and mind. Informational or peculiar, which is the judge? Listen, feel, see and enjoy the journey through the tarot this deep and philosophical explanation.

Step One: Find the key.

Key, the key?

The key to the secrets!

Arcane, also spelled as arcane means understanding the mysterious language of the tarot cards. The hidden code that is hidden within a movement-based poetic symbolism.

The symbols represent an idea, action or quality. The symbolism is the communication of the psyche. Whether you speak German, English or Chinese, does not matter. Logos are global communication tools, through objects that represent something to help you understand a complex situation.

Indirect suggestions come from the artwork on the tarot cards. Trigger visual mind's eye the supply of creative energy, therefore, allows to generate ideas and messages.

Photo-grams are the essence of tarot.

A dove is a defender of serenity and calm. This gentle bird reflects a sense of hope, purity and aspirations. Pigeons can be illustrated in the tarot cards as the Ace of Cups to predict affection, devotion, or tenderness.

The hand can represent power, protection and generosity. The hand may belong to God or the universe and indicate an inexhaustible source of love.

Roses are fragile flowers that capture the essence of beauty. Pink roses have a connection to the heart and represent emotional love. White roses are pure desire, yellow for friendship and red for passion. Do not overlook the thorns of pain.

The olive leaf is a symbol of peace back to the biblical story of Noah's Ark

Rising water cascades establish the image of the emotions flowing.

Something is about to sprout or germinate when we see any sprouts of a tarot card.

Mountains to describe the vastness of our universe, can climb the heights and infinite resistance. The virtue of patience and the ability to face the challenges arising in achievement.

Nudity is metaphorical, both for purity and truth.

Twelve stars as illustrated in the crown of the Empress correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac and twelve months in the year of our calendar.

Metaphysics is the theoretical philosophy of being and knowing the personal reality of the mind. Spiritual beliefs may be based on abstract and general reasoning of the supernatural. Images complex and subtle thoughts are characterized through symbolism.

My gift to you is the key to the tarot, take it with love given and open the windows of many souls.

Dawn Alice, author of Life Love Tarot is a Tarot reader and psychic Professional Knowledge Master in various areas of metaphysics.

Tarot Tips and articles can be found in your blog or your website

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