The aim of this paper is to clear obsolete and unnecessary superstitions related to reading Tarot cards.
Ask any experienced Tarot reader and ethics, if they believe that tarot cards are evil, the devil's work, and psychic and clairvoyant can only read, you may have laughed. I would do the same honest. The more you use and work with these cards for most of my understanding of its true meaning and capacity.
By using the cards with a group of people who claim no knowledge of the Tarot cards, it is always fascinating to hear the answer when the Death card is turned. Brusca of breath to say the least, murmuring: "Oh, death! '. All sat at that table have not deceive, do not really have an understanding of the Death card, which have been led to believe the sense wrong for that card and others. What happens then is that I just explained the correct meaning and convince them of this fact, the impression he would rather have the drama of the original meaning.
Most cards are made from wood pulp and printing ink molded into shapes of cards with a picture on one side and a pattern on the back, all 78 cards. Which is exactly what they are and everything you always will be. Even digital images are only a representation of an image of the symbols and works of art. These are the meanings that are the most interesting.
Tarot has evolved over the centuries, its history, possibly as a game of cards of the 15th century, perhaps even earlier. Its development as a tool for divination is not entirely clear, but the man has used many elements as a tool to "look ahead", including pitching animal bones, chicken viscera, throwing dice, runes, consuming drugs from plants, looking at water bowls, plus the elegant art of drinking a cup of tea and begin to set the stool in the dish to "see" what the tea leaves have to say. I used the foam of a cappuccino, sometimes, and I know that beer is also used.
Hollywood is also responsible for many of the myths of today, ie the Devil card has been changed by what has incorrectly used to represent the real death on film. This is an additional inexpensive to add atmosphere and fear. Tarot reader subjects are portrayed as mysterious, the wearing of fluid, with turbans, too much jewelry and bad taste, the actors are portrayed as unchanging in a gypsy fortune tellers tent or caravan with a crystal ball on the table. It is a Hamming window and up.
Superstition about Tarot is a work of fiction, possibly built by people who want to add mystery and control as they can make an idea that they have the special domain of knowledge, secrets and gifts. All charm to hide their insecurities. If a Tarot reader is good, will have nothing to prove - by word of mouth will do. A linen closet unusual is the last thing a decent Tarot card needs to improve his reputation.
Most of the superstition is fairly recent, which has accelerated in the last century with the arrival of cinema, television and an increase in the number of people interested in the Tarot. These myths have also increased in volume and has been heavily embroidered on the way.
Let's dispel the most popular:
1. You should never buy your own Tarot Cards
If this were the case, then I'd still be waiting for my first deck of cards. I have no idea why or when this started, makes no sense. There is much to be done, who else will know exactly what style card appeal or "talk" to you? Enjoy watching the different styles in bookstores and online, ask to see the letters from my friends, do some research and has a valuable collection of different Tarot decks. You can complete the design of their own.
2. Never let anyone touch their Tarot cards
I can understand if someone is very particular and does not like to let every Tom, Dick or Harry manage their cards, but nothing bad will happen if others feel of its cover. I used the same cover for over 12 years and that makes me feel proud when someone asks to see my letters, often expect to be denied, but gladly deliver and explain a little about them. I give them a good shuffle later. It is an ideal time for them to ask questions and clarify some myths.
3. Psychics can only read Tarot cards
Yes, psychics can read tarot cards, especially if they have spent time studying them - and the same applies to everyone else, anyone can read. There are people out there who have an understanding of the cards and can be read without any exercise, but most of us will have to put some work in. It is possible for us to learn to read tarot cards, provided when we have the right books, and / or an online course, another reader of Tarot cards to teach us how we all need a place to start. It does enrich a Tarot reading, if the reader is psychic, clairvoyant, and / or intuitive, there are professional readers who do not intend to have any of the above qualities, but have studied and practiced until it became more domain.
The aim of this paper is to clear obsolete and unnecessary superstitions related to reading Tarot cards.
The above response also applies, physicians, psychologists, police, military, business, whatever, they read the cards. There is a cover for the whole world too, hundreds of styles of tarot, Arthur to Egypt, Fairies, The Lord of the Rings, go online and see for yourself. Out there someone is working on his own deck of cards. Outside there is also someone who seeks enlightenment, guidance, inner wisdom, and to shuffle your Tarot cards. It is for everyone. Why witches have all the fun?
5. Tarot Cards are Magic
Uh, no, definitely not. They are made in a factory, packaged and shipped to a wholesaler or store. Sorry if I spoiled that for you. They are used as a tool for the reader, symbols, meanings and images to trigger a flow of information. See them for what they are and avoid the myths.
6.Tarot cards are bad
Tarot cards do not have magical properties and bad qualities, which are just the card. All decent Tarot readers use the cards to help, enlighten, show the possible alternatives, answer questions on a variety of ways good and useful. They would never think to do otherwise. Anyone who professes to use them for evil is fooling themselves and others.
We have yet to mention the card manufacturers are accused? Of wrongdoing either.
7. Gypsies Tarot fantasy
There is no evidence that Roma played a role in the development of Tarot cards. Tarot evolved from a card game in the 15th century or earlier, in Europe, expensive gifts, hand painted sorted by the aristocrats, the woodcuts mass produced for public purchase.
8. Tarot cards are never wrong
Tarot cards are used to illuminate the path and the choices you have in your life, choices and alternatives. The future is not written in stone, but the sand, it is up to you that the future path you take, there may be some detours along a route, possibly going to end in the same place. Free will and choice play a role in your life and the Tarot cards can reflect that.
9. Tarot cards originated in Egypt
This rumor was started and the fallacy of the Court of Gébelin. He misinterpreted two Egyptian words, believing that referred Tarot and it was only when the Rosetta Stone was translated after 1799 that his mistake was cleared up.
10. Tarot cards can not be read over the phone
Of course it is as simple as the client asks a question and Tarot reader then type the query, shuffle the cards, and continues reading. It also applies to reading through the Internet, is the same technique. The fact that the person, consultant, did not sit next to him, does not mean you can not interact and give them answers with the help of tarot cards. Sometimes the answer I wrote and printed out or e-mail, and is just as valid.
11. Cats capacity sap
When this was first suggested to me, my jaw dropped in surprise. Needless to say I invited all four family cats in space for readings at night. God knows where this one started. No one ounce of truth in it.
12. Pregnant women should not read the cards
If this were true, health warnings to be printed on the sides of packs of cards. It is perfectly safe for pregnant women to read the cards, they may be able to balance the cards in his shot while doing so.
13. Unable to read tarot cards for you
Yes, of course he can, but write the questions on paper first and use a Tarot book to rely on the answers. The trick is to use the responses to the letters book for his own answer, otherwise you can find a struggle to be impartial or independent. By writing everything down, then you can check if newer.
You may not want someone to read to you and this is a method to develop.
14. Her tarot cards should be wrapped in silk
Only if you like silk ..... I can use old silk scarves that are dear and hard to let go of, keeps the edges of the cards from being scratched, plus it is comfortable to hold. As for my "work" housing, living in a gadget bag, usually purchased for the protection and realization of MP3 players. Two decks and a digital recorder can fit into it. Nobody has any idea what's inside when you take it.
16. Tarot cards are the work of the Devil
Of course not. They are the work of people who want to help others, help them with problems they are having, improve their lives, discover new techniques for their empowerment, use of modern psychology. Many of these people are professional classes, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, scientists, consultants, etc. The cards are a good tool if you want. What goes around comes around.
17. The cards are hidden
The word occult means hidden. We know that the cards originated as playing cards in the 15th century, with various interest groups? To become them and set their own beliefs and meanings. The word occult has been used over the years lost, trying to make a false statement of its actual use and to suggest something under the table.
18 The letter implies death death
In short, it means a change. If you want to change careers and this card appears in a reading, then you may feel a huge sense of relief - depending if you know its true meaning. This is the card that filmmakers use to understand that death is unpleasant to happen, without actually appreciate what they are doing. Therefore tarot readers spend a considerable amount of time to pacify customers, when this card appears. Change.
19. All tarot card readers can not be trusted
I can be subjective when responding to this! Always go with the word of mouth when choosing someone to give a reading. Any profession can be a charlatan, a con man or a woman. Just be patient and make sure that the tarot reader is well thought out. If you are in a reading and he was very pleased with the way of things, and then make a quick exit. The ideal is to have a sense of well being after a reading, a sense of enlightenment, does not feel as if he had been robbed blind. Use your instincts here.
20. Horrible Flip Cards are always
Some people choose not to use flip cards reading, so stay with the 78 way vertical. What do you mean that you miss out on another 78 meanings, and some of them are very, very positive. This only means to study a little more when they learn, I suggest you look in some tarot books in bookstores online that offer the best-selling tarot meanings reversed. It will broaden their knowledge and reading.
Nick Greer
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