Tarot is a tool used in many different spiritual paths to help the practitioner better understand a situation and offer advice. Use of the cards presented in a "margin" that can begin to be more intimate with the question at issue. Many practitioners begin and read a value card or look for patterns in chaos. Today we will go over four of the biggest mistakes that beginners make when reading a tarot spread.
One of the biggest mistakes is that the tarot will tell the future. Unfortunately, the future has not been written yet, so we can only use the tarot to discuss the current route is at: the things that happen in your life, in this case. Tarot is a tool that tells our story through the paintings and drawings. When you look at a margin if there is a history of representations. This brings us to our second biggest mistake.
As mentioned before, when we look at one card at a certain position within a range and read it at face value, you are missing the big picture. Ex When a letter appears in the position of an extension beyond three letters do not interpret the card until you look at the current and future positions. You will find each card has a whole new meaning when dimensions together with other cards in the spread. This is what tarot is, the search for patterns that are the story within the given extension.
Like most other practitioners wanted to start by reading the Celtic Cross spread. This expansion takes place 12.09 positions of the card. Find a pattern for a beginner in the chaos of this extension is usually too difficult. Comply with smaller margins, such as three card past, present and future, will make life much easier in the long run. As they begin to recognize patterns of two to three letters that can move more comfortably in the spreads of cards 5-9.
Our intuition is the driving force behind all the good decisions we make, if we listen. This is the third biggest mistake tarot reading, not listening to your intuition. Your intuition is your instinct, breast lump you get when you feel something is right or wrong. When you look at a card, look at the symbols on it and feel what you are saying before you open the book and find their "correct" meaning. This leads to more personal revelations and can cause the consultant as to what information must be given. When I read people who always say "Now you will have a discussion about your situation based on what the cards tell us." Tarot should not be a one-way street. The most talented professionals to use the cards as a tool to discuss the meaning of the current situation and offer advice.
Fourth, last but certainly not the mistake of making several readings of the same question. This will not make the situation more clearly and is not going to further replies. The tarot will tell you what you need with a single extension. If you need clarification can reshuffle and seek clarification on an insurance card. The only disadvantage of 2-3 letters of clarification. If you choose more than 2-3 letters that begin to merge and tarot contradicts itself. Most times the best cards for more clarification on the card is the person he represents is read and the results of that situation.
In general, the tarot is a great tool to use to understand a situation and find some good advice. Do not be afraid to make mistakes in reading the tarot, you can not learn if they make mistakes. Always have fun when they are reading, even if the topic is serious, often times people need to be comfortable during a reading of so maintaining a facade generally happy during reading, this will let them know that all is well.
Eshey Ian is the author of the popular eBook "Six Tales: Learn Tarot in one day." Also offers free articles and resources on how to read tarot cards in their website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Eshey
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