Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Symbolism of the Tarot

It is an invention of tarot from the imagination of great and genuine way to seek guidance?

Universal in style and beliefs, the definition of tarot can be a mixture of theories, mythology, religion, opinions, ideas, faith and intuition.

The secret to discover the mystery of life depends on what are identified through an open heart and mind. Informational or peculiar, which is the judge? Listen, feel, see and enjoy the journey through the tarot this deep and philosophical explanation.

Step One: Find the key.

Key, the key?

The key to the secrets!

Arcane, also spelled as arcane means understanding the mysterious language of the tarot cards. The hidden code that is hidden within a movement-based poetic symbolism.

The symbols represent an idea, action or quality. The symbolism is the communication of the psyche. Whether you speak German, English or Chinese, does not matter. Logos are global communication tools, through objects that represent something to help you understand a complex situation.

Indirect suggestions come from the artwork on the tarot cards. Trigger visual mind's eye the supply of creative energy, therefore, allows to generate ideas and messages.

Photo-grams are the essence of tarot.

A dove is a defender of serenity and calm. This gentle bird reflects a sense of hope, purity and aspirations. Pigeons can be illustrated in the tarot cards as the Ace of Cups to predict affection, devotion, or tenderness.

The hand can represent power, protection and generosity. The hand may belong to God or the universe and indicate an inexhaustible source of love.

Roses are fragile flowers that capture the essence of beauty. Pink roses have a connection to the heart and represent emotional love. White roses are pure desire, yellow for friendship and red for passion. Do not overlook the thorns of pain.

The olive leaf is a symbol of peace back to the biblical story of Noah's Ark

Rising water cascades establish the image of the emotions flowing.

Something is about to sprout or germinate when we see any sprouts of a tarot card.

Mountains to describe the vastness of our universe, can climb the heights and infinite resistance. The virtue of patience and the ability to face the challenges arising in achievement.

Nudity is metaphorical, both for purity and truth.

Twelve stars as illustrated in the crown of the Empress correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac and twelve months in the year of our calendar.

Metaphysics is the theoretical philosophy of being and knowing the personal reality of the mind. Spiritual beliefs may be based on abstract and general reasoning of the supernatural. Images complex and subtle thoughts are characterized through symbolism.

My gift to you is the key to the tarot, take it with love given and open the windows of many souls.

Dawn Alice, author of Life Love Tarot is a Tarot reader and psychic Professional Knowledge Master in various areas of metaphysics.

Tarot Tips and articles can be found in your blog or your website

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